Sunday, January 22, 2012

Alright, thanks to the expertise of Rio, I have finally set up my blog.
First thing is first: my memory palace hosting the nine muses. Welcome to my head; here goes nothing.
Calliope is standing on a bar stool in the walkway of my parents house singing an epic song, garnished with a halo of poppy flowers and a ray of California sunshine encompasing her. Cleo is chillin on the couch decked out in her Elizabth Taylor Cleopatra gear giving Euterpa a wierd look for playing her ekulele in front of the T.V. Melpomone is dramatically passed out on the bathroom floor while Mel Gibson cries "Action" over her. Terpsicore is doing an interpretive dance down the hallway with an apple core. Erato is posing erotically on my brother's bed before I beat her ass. Across the hallway is my parent's room where three Polyhymnia sit on my mother's side of the bed reading the Bible and singing Psalms. In the closet is Urania hanging herself on one of those science fair models of the solar system while Thalia and I sit in airport chairs laughing at Urania's epic fail.
That was superisingly easier than I thought. It took me probably fifteen minutes to  memorize those, which is amazing because my memory is pretty much shot to Hell.

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