Sunday, February 26, 2012

Trap Doors

The last time I put my memory theatre to use was when I dispursed my prefixes. In doing so, I used a "trap door" into a non existant basement. This imaginary room was very useful because it gave me spaces to store however much information I needed. However, after a while, it became a bit difficult as the imaginary room was pitch black, and items began to disappear within. It would be interesting to look into this "trap door" situation and figure out a way to make things easier to see. I have the 9 characteristics from Ong to memorize still, so I would like to explore the world of trap doors further.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


So, I have decided that memorizing prefixes is extremely difficult. I feel as though I may as well be memorizing poetry. I have sat here in this very spot with my notebook and pen going through my parent's basement dispursing items whose purposes seem to be forgotten as soon as I set them down. It is quite tricky trying to associate "Ob" with "blocking" and some sort of memorable furnature along with it. But, I must say, with out the memory theatre situation, I would have been a goner at ten words. Maybe there is a trick for each type of word to be memorized...? I hope to have this figured out by the end of the semester. But for now, I am enjoying the challenge of my newly discovered memory.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My list of 51 things turns out to be 25 prefixes and their meanings. They are as follows:
A - not
Ab - away
Ad - increase
Ante- before
Be- completely
Com- with
Contra- against
De- down
Dia- accross
En- put into
Hemi- half
Hypo- under
Infra- below
intra- inside
Ob- blocking
Peri- round
Semi- partly
Sub- lower
Sym- in union
Ultra- bveyond
Un- not
Under- below
Op- against
Col- jointly
Abs- from

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vanishing Magic

 I wish it was easy to "become as children", so many problems would be solved. The days when the mailbox was a ride-up ATM, where my neighbor's sparkly lawn rocks were rare, expensive gems and when the only boy who needed me was Beary the berry colored Teddy-bear. Why was it so much easier back then? I was thinking to myself today, "What would happen if I were to see the world through lenses of my little self? Would life be easier? Would it make things more clear?" This is going to be my project for the upcoming week. And you know what? I bet it is going to be like a mini vacation. Boys won't matter, money won't matter, life should be pretty much black and white. I am going to watch a couple Disney movies, eat a bunch of macaroni and cheese with little hot dog pieces, but most of all, I am going to embrace the magic that we all forget is here - the magic that we, for some reason, think we are no longer entitled to. Maybe Christopher Robin will bring Pooh Bear along for the ride.

Fairy Tales Aren't Just For Taylor Swift

Ahh, the fairy tale. This is such a wonderful, forgotten concept that many people, besides children and Taylor Swift, seem to overlook because they are "too old". I wish it didn't have to be this way. We live in a world of "what is the point of stories that aren't even true" where we stuff Santa Clause and Mickey Mouse into a box in the crevices of our mind to decompose by their lonesome because we ought to make room for "reality". This is sad. These are the creatures who shaped and molded our little minds to perceive the world in the happiest ways possible. I find that at the root of my desires, is a fairy tale in "grown-up" form waiting for me. Think about it. We all want sucess. Who ended up with the sucess in the end of all these stories? The hero/heroine of the fairy tale. We all want love. Who ended up with love in the end? The hero/heroine of the fairy tale. We all want happiness. Who lived hapily ever after? You guessed it. I wish I could sit down and be hypnotized and be put into a place where I was little again, where fairy tales are prominate, and "world" is just a word Mom refers to. But I guess that is what books are for.